Residential Solar Solutions

Residential Solar Solutions

In less than a decade, APS has emerged as Gujarat’s chosen residential rooftop service provider. We are excited as we take our unique solar-powered solutions to states across India. Our expertise come from our innate understanding of the solar industry and credible global experience. 

Our residential rooftop solar solutions are designed as scalable & feasible alternatives to the existing dependency on fossil fuels and coal. India’s residential sector has an insatiable and ever-increasing energy demand, and without renewable resources we are looking at a grim situation with more blackouts and an unprecedented rise in energy prices.

APS intends to deliver site-specific solar solutions to the end consumer. With diligent project planning and precise execution, we are capable of delivering bespoke products and solutions to meet unique and emerging requirements. We address location-related concerns and plan to deliver products for residential users that they can rely on for harnessing the benefits of solar energy. 

On-Grid Rooftop Solutions

APS is expanding its supply of on-grid solar systems in various states of India. Our on-grid solar systems are connected to the utility grid and allow commercial and residential customers to use solar power feasibly. Our teams start with viability analysis and come up with solutions addressing location & site constraints. With world-class solar equipment, your home can run on solar and remain connected to the public electricity grid. After the initial installation of the on-grid system, we also perform long-term O & M activities as per the customized requirements of the projects. 

Benefits of our On Grid Rooftop Solutions include 

  • Stable & ongoing supply of electricity on demand
  • Minimal operational costs 
  • Reduced maintenance costs
  • Eliminating the need for battery backup
  • Net metering for optimal use of resources
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